Eccentric- odd, peculiar, abnormal,
irregular, unusual, different, distinct.
Echelon- rank, status, level, degree.
Eclectic- 1) made up of what is
selected from different sources. 2) Not following any one system, as of
philosophy, medicine, etc., but selecting and using what are considered
the best elements of all systems. Diverse, assorted, mixed,
miscellaneous, multifarious, multifaceted, various, varied, different,
distinct, medley,Motley.
Effigy- (1) a representation or image,
especially sculptured, etc., as on a monument. (2) a crude
representation of someone disliked, used for purposes of ridicule.
Efficacious- producing or capable of
producing a desired effect. Effectual.
Efflorescence- the state or a
period of flowering. Bloom, blossom, flower, heyday.
Egregious- extremely or outrageously bad or
reprehensible; "a crying shame"; "an egregious lie"; "flagrant violation of
human rights"; "a glaring error"; "gross injustice."
Eisegete- to add meaning to scriptural passages
that God never intended. To superimpose an unintended meaning on a biblical text or
Elicit- to draw or bring out or forth; evoke, summon.
Emaciated- starved, wasted, withered, thin, forlorn.
Emanate- to flow out, issue, or proceed,
as from a source or origin; "Water emanates from this hole in the
ground". Emit, exude.
Emblematic- pertaining to, of the nature
of, or serving as an emblem; symbolic.
Emmisary- messenger, diplomat, envoy,
minister, agent, delegate, representative, ambassador, legate.
Emphatic- 1) uttered, or to be uttered,
with emphasis; strongly expressive. 2) using emphasis in speech or action.
3) forceful; insistent: a big, emphatic man; I must be emphatic about this
particular. 4) very impressive or significant; strongly marked; striking: the
emphatic beauty of sunset. 5) clearly or boldly outlined: It stands, like a
great, stone dagger, emphatic against the sky.
Empirical- gained from observation or experience.
Based on experiment (experience) and not theory. Objective.
Emulate- ape, mimic, mirror, strive to
equal, recaptulate, imitate, copy.
Encumber- 1) to impede or hinder;
hamper; retard: Red tape encumbers all our attempts at action. 2) to
block up or fill with what is obstructive or superfluous: a mind
encumbered with trivial and useless information. 3) to burden or
weigh down: She was encumbered with a suitcase and several packages.
4) to burden with obligations, debt, etc.
Endemic- natural to or characteristic
of a specific people or place. Local, regional.
Enervate- attenuate, debilitate,
weaken, exhaust, devitalize. To weaken physically or morally. Ant:
rehabilitate, revitalize.
Enigmatic- a person, thing, or
situation that is mysterious, puzzling, or ambiguous. Incomprehensible,
inexplicable, unfathomable, equivocal, recondite.
Entropy- the 2nd law of thermodynamics. A universal
law of decay effecting all matter. The tendency for all matter and energy in the
universe to devolve toward a state of inert uniformity. Inevitable and steady
deterioration of a system or society.Complexity to randomness, order to disorder.
Epistemic- of or pertaining to knowledge
or the conditions for acquiring it.
Epistemology- branch of philosophy that studies
the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its extent
and validity.
Epithet- (n.) A term used to characterize a
person or thing, such as The Great in Catherine The Great. A term used
as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The
Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln. Epithet points to referent.
Epitome- quintessential,
paragon, nonpareil. Greatest of all examples of a class or type.
Equivocal- (1. allowing the
possibility of several different meanings, as a word or phrase. 2).
intending to deceive or misguide. Susceptible of double
interpretation, or being deliberately ambiguous. Of doubtful nature
or character; questionable; dubious; suspicious. Obscure, nebulous,
cloudy, inexplicit, vague.
Equivocate- to use ambiguous
(uncertain or doubtful) language; hedge, evade, stall,euphemize. To
avoid making an explicit statement. To be deliberately ambiguous or
unclear in order to mislead or withhold information.
Eschatology- the study of
end things. The study of the end of the present time-space continuum. Eschaton.
Essence- The intrinsic, inherent, unchanging, innate, or
indispensable properties that serve to characterize or identify beings. The most
important ingredient or property; time is of the essence.
Eternal- being without beginning or end. Quality of
essence rather than quantity. God's intrinsic nature is of eternal essence; qualatative,
unchanging, divine, timeless. Existing outside of time (transcendant).
Ethereal- characterized by lightness or
nonsubstance, intangible, impalpaple, subjective, non-coporeal, immaterial, spiritual.
Ethics- branch of axiology concerned with moral values.
The "good", "the right", "the noble"; what one ought to or should do.
Etiology- the study of causes or origins (creation).
The branch of medicine that deals with the causes or origins of disease. The
cause or origin of a disease or disorder as determined by medical diagnosis.
Etymology- history of word origins and study of the
sources and development of words.
Evince- 1) to show clearly, make evident or
manifest; evince distaste by grimacing. 2) to reveal the possession of (a quality,
trait, etc.) Syn: elucidate, epiphany, express, show, reveal, exhibit, convince.
Exacerbated- to increase the severity, violence, or
bitterness of. Aggravate. A speech that exacerbated racial tensions; a
heavy rainfall that exacerbated the flood problems.
Ex cathedra- (Latin: from the chair), the Chair of
Peter. Roman Catholic dogma that teaches 'when a Pope speaks from the chair
(cathedra) of authority as the visible head of all Christians, his teaching is
infallibly Christ�s true teaching.'
Exclusive- not divided or shared with others. "They have
exclusive use of the machine." "Sole rights of publication." Excluding.
Excruciating- (exit, crucifix, crux) literally
"out of the cross." This became a word to describe Christ's death on the cross.
Ex materia- unorthodox, heretical doctrine teaching that
God created the universe out of a material substance that was divine in itself.
Exegete- to correctly interpret scripture applying the
hermeneutical principles of biblical interpretation. To draw from scriptural passages the
meaning God intended.
Exonerate- clear, acquit, vindicate,
defend, uphold, support, refute, supplant, overturn, redeem.
Explicit- plainly expressed detailed
description. Straight forward, overt and unambigious; expressed, denotative.
Fully and clearly expressed leaving nothing implied.
Exposit- to expound, as a theory, cause,
or the like. Add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning
of and discourse in a learned way. Extrapolate, inculcate, posit, pontificate.
Expositor- a person or thing that
explains complicated ideas or theories.
Expunge- 1) to strike out,
obliterate, or mark for deletion. 2) to efface completely: destroy.
3) to eliminate (as a memory) from one's consciousness. Blot out,
cancel, delete, annul, erase, nullify.
Extant- still in existence. Not destroyed, lost,
or extinct. Subsisting.
Extrapolate- to infer unknown information
from known information; imply. Exposit.
Extrinsic- outside the nature
of something. External. Ant: intrinsic.
Facade- guise, deception, front, feign,
synthetic, bogus, counterfeit, fake, phony, artificial.
Facsimile- reproduction, likeness, copy,
emulation, recapitulation.
Fallow- idle, unprepared, unproductive,
inactive, latent.
Fastidious- discreet, scrupulous, picky,
meticulous, selective, prudent, discriminating, circumspect, wise.
Feigned- pretended, sham, counterfeit,
feigned enthusiasm. To give a false appearance of: feign sleep. To represent
falsely, pretend to, feign authorship of a novel, sophistry. To imitate so as
to deceive: feign another's voice. To fabricate: feigned an excuse. Guise,
deceived, faked, counterfeited, false, falsified, forged.
Feint- 1) a movement made in order to deceive
an adversary; an attack aimed at one place or point merely as a distraction from
the real place or point of attack: military feints; the feints of a skilled fencer.
2) a feigned or assumed appearance: His air of approval was a feint to conceal his
real motives.
Finitude- a finite state or quality.
First Cause- in Theism, this designation
is given to God who is the cause of all things. God is the first
cause causing effects and other contingent causes. God is also an
uncaused first cause; for any to have caused God would negate Him as
the first cause.
Flippant- insolent, rude, disrespectful, mean,
evil, malevolent.
Forbear- be tolerant,
patient, or self-controlled or patient in the face of provocation
or annoyance. Forbearance.
Forlorn- 1) sad, lost, jaded, distressed,
or lonely from desertion/abandonment. Woeful, wretched, wasted, destitute,
forsaken. 2) Pitiful in appearance or condition.
Formidable- ferocious, frightful, terrible,
menacing, threatening, terrifying, fearful.
Frugal- stingy, parsimonious, temperate, greedy,
sparing, economical, miserly, frugality.
Fruition- accomplishment of something worked
for or desired. The state of bearing fruit. Causing an effect. Accomplished.
Gamut- scope, range, extent, reach.
Gap theory- unsupported biblical theory
claiming the earth was created, then destroyed, then recreated. This gap
theoretically falls between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
Genial- 1) warmly and pleasantly
cheerful; congenial, cordial, easygoing, convivial, agreeable,
pleasant, sociable: a genial disposition; a genial host. 2) favorable
for life, growth, or comfort; conducive.
Genre- Literary, music, or art type,
class, or category marked by distinctive style, form, or content. The
genre of epic poetry; the genre of symphonic music. Hyperbolic, historical
narrative, novel, fiction, non-fiction, metaphoric, allegorical, parody,
spiritulized, literal, poetic, parabolic, figure of speech, idiomatic. Syn:
vernacular, parlance, verbiage.
Geocentrism- a false theory
that taught the sun and all planets revolved around the earth.
Gnosticism- doctrine of
certain pre-Christian pagan and Jewish sects.
Grade 5 syndrome- a condition
whereby a person can hold 2 or more opposing world views and not be
able to see or understand the distinct differences.
Gratuity- a gift of money, over and above
payment due for service, as to a waiter or bellhop; tip. Something
given without claim or demand. Bonus, perk, fringe benefit, award, gift.
Gratuitous- given, done, bestowed, or obtained
without charge or payment; free; voluntary. 2) Being without apparent reason, cause,
or justification: a gratuitous insult.
Gregarious- outgoing, social, affable.
Gullible- trustful, naive, deceivable, believing, unsuspicious, indiscreet.
Haphazard- aimless, random, purposeless,
impulsive, chance, accidental, arbitrary, capricious.
Heliocentrism- science that
teaches that the earth and the planets revolve around the sun.
Heterodox- unorthodox. Not in
agreement with excepted beliefs.
Hermeneutics- the science and art of Biblical
interpretation which is regulated by principles. The basic principles necessary to
exegete and interpret Biblical literature.
Hyperbole- a figure of speech
where exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect. From the Greek
word huperbole meaning excess (huper) and throw (ballein).
Embellishment, amplification, enlargement, excess, extravagance,
inflation, magnification, stretch.
Hypostatic union- The dual nature of Christ
being both 100% God and 100% man dwelling together as one person. Hypostasis, subsistence.
Hypothesis- a proposition or set of
propositions set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some
specified group of phenomena, either asserted merely as a provisional
conjecture to guide investigation (working hypothesis) or accepted as
highly probable in the light of established facts. A proposition
assumed as a premise in an argument. An assumption or guess.
Ideology- credo, principles, belief, motif.
Idiom- a specialized vocabulary used by a group of
people. A form of expression having a meaning that is not readily understood
from the meaning of its component words. A kind of language within a language
that is not readily understood by those of a different sect. Verbiage,
jargon, genre, vernacular, parlance.
Idiosyncrasy- a structural or behavioral characteristic
peculiar to an individual or group. (See Idiom)
Ignoble- dishonorable, lowly, sordid, vile,
shameful, ignominious, demeaning.
Immanent- term for God's nature whereby He is actively
present (not spacily; see transcendent, omni-present) throughout all of creation.
Immure- to enclose within walls. To
shut in. Cage, coop, fence, pen, confine, detain, imprison, incarcerate.